Get up to $1000 when you refer us to someone we can help with videos
On behalf of Gram, we thank you for the wonderful experience working together on your video project!
In order to continue to serve you better, could you do us a huge favour?
We would love to form a long-term win-win partnership with you.
One of the reasons why we can consistently go above and beyond to provide you and all our partners an excellent working experience, is because we dedicated our time to your success, instead of spending time in search of new clients.
This was only possible thanks to our partners who repeatedly referred new clients to us.
Here’s how you can help us get rewards at the same time:
Know a business or a department that is having “ABCD” problems of marketing?
Awareness – You can’t be found by your target audience so you have little leads
Branding – You are not seen as an expert that people trust, leading to low conversion
Complexity – You have a complicated idea, product, or solution that is tough to explain
Dullness – You are not able to retain audience attention so you have low engagement
How does the referral work?
The process is as easy as this: for every referral/lead you submit that turns into a client ($5000 and above video project), you and your referee will receive the following:
You Receive
– 5% of the project amount up to $1000
– 1 Additional Free Revision for your next video
– $1000 off our next video engagement ( your procurement officer will thank you )
Your Referee Receives
– 5% off the project fee (they will thank you for this!)
– 1 Additional Free Revision
– Complementary Strategy Session to map out the Video Marketing Strategy Session (Worth $5000)
– Has a budget of at least 5k-10k (excluding marketing budget)
– Is able to make the purchase

Here’s are the steps :

Refer a lead:
Email us at [email protected] with the name, email or phone number of someone you know who is interested in an animated explainer video or marketing video, along with your PayPal payment information. We never people so please make sure ahead of time that your contact is actually in the market for an explainer video or that they’re at least open to speaking with us about creating one.

We contact them:
Once your contact responds, we’ll arrange a friendly conversation with them to discuss our services.

Collect your dough:
If they decide to move forward and hire us for a video production (60 second video or longer), we’ll immediately send you $x via PayPal once the project commences and our initial deposit has been received.
Note: the $x payment represents a one-time commission for every single customer referred. So, for example, if you refer 10 different customers to us, you will earn $x x 10, or $10x.
You do not, however, earn multiple commissions if the same customer referred ultimately decides to do more than video with Gram.
In the future:

Bronze Partner
(1 Referral) $300 per project completion

Gold Partner
(5-9 Referrals) $500 + 5% per project completion (capped at $1K)

Sliver Partner
(2-4 Referrals) $400 per project completion

Platinum Partner
(≥ 10 Referrals) $600 + 10% per project completion (capped at $1K) + free testimonial video (Singapore Businesses only)
Why work with Gram?
With over 6 years of experience, we are an established video marketing company in Singapore, dedicated tohelping B2B companies worldwide.
We are on a mission to bring our knowledge and expertise working with MNCs, to SMEs and give them a marketing edge over their competitors.
Start marketing better than your competitors today, and get the sales that you deserve.