Video Marketing Blog

Learn about all things video marketing, from strategies, resources, tips and more.

Navigating the Terrain: Is Animated Content Viable on TikTok’s Live-Action Dominated Platform?

Navigating the Terrain: Is Animated Content Viable on TikTok’s Live-Action Dominated Platform?

, animated videos have immense potential on TikTok, offering creators a unique opportunity to showcase their creativity, engage with audiences, and monetize their content. Despite the platform’s live-action dominated nature, animated videos can stand out and thrive by leveraging their visual appeal, efficiency, collaborative opportunities, and monetization avenues.

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Riding the Wave: Marketing Trends Predictions for 2024

Riding the Wave: Marketing Trends Predictions for 2024

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, explainer videos have emerged as a formidable tool for businesses to convey complex ideas and products in a concise and engaging manner. Among the various mediums used for explainer videos, animation stands out as a powerful ally due to its ability to simplify intricate concepts and make them accessible to a wide audience.

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Elevating Video Production with AI: How we at Gram leverage on technology to enhance Creativity and Efficiency

Elevating Video Production with AI: How we at Gram leverage on technology to enhance Creativity and Efficiency

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, explainer videos have emerged as a formidable tool for businesses to convey complex ideas and products in a concise and engaging manner. Among the various mediums used for explainer videos, animation stands out as a powerful ally due to its ability to simplify intricate concepts and make them accessible to a wide audience.

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The Power of Explainer Videos: Simplifying Complex Ideas with Animation and Scripting

The Power of Explainer Videos: Simplifying Complex Ideas with Animation and Scripting

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, explainer videos have emerged as a formidable tool for businesses to convey complex ideas and products in a concise and engaging manner. Among the various mediums used for explainer videos, animation stands out as a powerful ally due to its ability to simplify intricate concepts and make them accessible to a wide audience.

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How much would a lack of engagement cost you?

Win your audience over with videos today.

You can also contact us at +65 9878 4339 or email us at [email protected] to schedule your free consultation.

Gram has helped businesses win their audience over with explainer video animations and corporate videos since 2014.


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#05-09, Singapore

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