5 Reasons Why Storytelling is the Best Form of Communication
Why is storytelling important to companies especially when it comes to communication strategy? Let’s learn the benefits of communicating your message with stories. We have been telling stories ever since we can remember, then why is it that there is so much...
5 Reasons Why Video Is More Effective Than Text
Making a corporate video isn’t easy, but when done well, it’s the best way to convey the company’s key message to its stakeholders. That is because videos capture more attention, engaging more viewers, and includes almost every additional advantage...
Why Internal Videos Are Helpful Communication Tools
You might wonder why some companies and organisations spend money on internal communication videos, when they could just hold a couple of mundane hour-long briefings to get the same messages across. Well, the latter is not a wrong method to use when it comes to...
How Educational Videos Help Boost Your Brand
Educational videos are increasingly becoming a favourite video strategy widely used amongst marketers to help boost a company’s brand. As technology and digital marketing evolves, it has now become a trend to include videos in marketing strategies over the years....